Author • Trainer • Consultant • Trauma Therapist
Jan Bergstrom, LMHC
Author • Trainer • Consultant
Trauma Therapist
This Healing Our Core Issues Level 1 training is four-days long and will encompass a variety of teaching styles. It will include lecture, large and small group discussion and practicum.
The focus of this training is to introduce therapists to a broad overview of developmental and relational trauma and its impact on adult functioning. It will introduce and apply the following topics: Mindfulness, Core Issues work, Attachment and elements of Somatic Body Based work will be introduced as a way to integrate developmental and relational trauma through the body. The practicum consists of working with your own family of origin history with a role play partner using the DART (Developmental and Relational Trauma) Assessment in a small group with a trained facilitator. After this training, you will have practical skills and the ability to administer the DART Assessment that you can apply to your clients immediately.
The full cost of the 2024 Level 1 workshop is $1,000 with a $300 non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration for the workshop and $700 due two weeks before the beginning of the workshop. We offer an early bird discount of $200 up until two months before the workshop and one month before the discount is $100.
This Healing Our Core Issues five-days long training will encompass a variety of teaching styles. It will include lecture, large and small group discussion and practicum. In order to attend Level 2 you need to join a consultation group and attend at least 6-10 hours of instruction before attending Level 2. In the consultation group we review the material from Level 1 and deepen your understanding of the model and use of DART Assessment for you to have a successful experience of Level 2.
The focus of this training is to use the DART (Developmental and Relational Trauma) Assessment as the map of your client’s childhood developmental history and to incorporate the other two essential DART Processes. Using demonstration and small group role plays, therapists learn the steps necessary to conducting “Re-parenting the Historical Selves” and “Standing in Your Truth” Processes. This practicum consists of working with your own family of origin and trauma issues with a role play partner in a small group with a trained facilitator. After this training, you will have advanced and nuanced skills to apply in your practice for healing your client’s childhood developmental trauma.
The full cost of the 2024 Level 2 workshop is $1,400 with a $400 non-refundable deposit being due at the time of registration for the workshop and $1000 due two weeks before the beginning of the workshop.
For those who want to complete the certificate program, a minimum of 24 hours of consultation is required. This allows the participants an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the HOCI model and apply it to current cases. This is a small group of 4- 6 participants who meet on Zoom, a videoconferencing program, for 2 hours a month with an approved consultant. The cost is $100 a month.
When all 24 hours are completed, participants will receive their certificate once all documentation has been submitted and approved.
I also conduct Advanced Consultation groups for graduates of our program to deepen their understanding of the model and learn the nuances as well as how to run the family of origin workshops and groups.
Please contact me for availability of a consultation group or call 781-733-0625.
Thank you.
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Jan Bergstrom, LMHC
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